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Can Cats Suffer from Separation Anxiety?

cat sitting on floor near a bserene calming diffuser

What is Separation Anxiety in Cats? Picture this: you're getting ready to leave for work or school, and as you open the door, your cat starts meowing non-stop or follows you around like a furry shadow. These are some paw-sible signs that your cat might be experiencing separation anxiety. Separation anxiety in cats occurs when our whiskered wonders become distressed or anxious when they are separated from their favorite humans or even their feline siblings. 

Signs of Cat Separation Anxiety  
  • Excessive Meowing or Vocalization: Your usually quiet cat may become quite the chatterbox, meowing persistently when you're about to leave or while you're away. 
  • Destructive Behavior: Ever come home to find your curtains in tatters or your furniture scratched to bits? Destructive behavior, like scratching and chewing, can be an expression of anxiety in cats. 
  • Litter Box Issues: Cats with separation anxiety may start having litter box problems, such as urinating or defecating outside the litter box. 
  • Pacing and Restlessness: Some cats may exhibit restless behavior, pacing around the house, or displaying signs of agitation. 
  • Overattachment: Cats with separation anxiety may become overly clingy, following you around and seeking constant attention. 
  • Changes in Appetite: Stress and anxiety can lead to changes in appetite, causing your cat to eat more or less than usual. 
Causes of Cat Separation Anxiety
  • Change in Routine: Cats are creatures of habit, and any sudden changes in their daily routine or environment can trigger anxiety. 
  • New Additions: The introduction of new family members, whether human or animal, can disrupt your cat's sense of security and lead to anxiety. 
  • Prior Traumatic Experience: Cats with a history of trauma or abandonment may be more prone to separation anxiety. 
  • Relocation: Moving to a new home or environment can be stressful for cats, making them more susceptible to anxiety. 
How to Help Your Cat Cope with Separation Anxiety
  • Gradual Departures and Arrivals: Cats are smart cookies and can pick up on cues that signal your impending departure. To reduce anxiety, practice gradual departures by not making a fuss when you leave. Similarly, adopt a low-key approach when you return home. This will help your cat understand that departures and arrivals are routine and not something to worry about. 
  • Create a Safe Space: Designate a safe and cozy space in your home where your cat can retreat when you're away. Fill it with their favorite toys, bedding, and a few items with your scent to provide comfort and reassurance. 
  • Interactive Toys and Puzzles: Keeping your cat mentally stimulated can help alleviate anxiety. Provide interactive toys and puzzles that will keep them entertained and engaged while you're away. 
  • bSerene Calming Products for Cat Anxiety: bSerene offers a range of calming products infused with pheromones that can help soothe your cat's anxiety. Their calming diffusers and cat calming spray create a serene environment, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. 
  • Scent Swapping: Before you leave, try a scent-swapping trick. Rub a soft cloth on your cat's facial pheromones and then leave it in their safe space. Similarly, rub another cloth on your hands and leave it in your absence. This exchange of scents can help your cat feel more at ease. 
  • Gradual Training: Gradual training can help desensitize your cat to your departures. Start with short periods of time apart and gradually increase the duration. Offer treats and praise when you return to reinforce positive associations. 

Cats can indeed experience separation anxiety, but with a little understanding and some paw-some solutions, we can help them feel more secure and at ease when we're away. From creating a cozy space to using bSerene calming products, we can ensure that our furry companions lead happier, more relaxed lives. Remember, every cat is unique, so be patient and find what works best for your feline friend. With these tips, we can be paw-sitively confident in helping our cats cope with their emotions and thrive in our absence.